Top 1989 Songs – #20: Pump Up The Jam

We are beginning my personal Top 20 list of songs that turn 30 years old today with a song that was my jam back in the day.  It’s the only real electronica song on this list and it’s, no pun intended, pumpin’. It’s still being played today as I just heard it along with today’s pop hits at a Harlem Wizards game with my kids.  In addition, a common theme you’ll see in this countdown is a song containing a meme that I often during daily life. Case in point, humming the two key lines of this tune at times.  …..more →

Returning…With A New List

Well, it has been a while since I last wrote here, I know.  Since my move to Philadelphia, I have honestly been out of the game so to speak.  While I have continued to write music and even finished a new tune for my old band Bumpin’ the Mango, I honestly found myself in unique position to make a comeback late last year.  However, that was when I lost my job, and since I started a new job this year, I have pretty much had the muse thrown out of me.  As much as I have tried to get musically …..more →