Top 1993 Songs – #9 – That’s The Way Love Goes

The next entry in this countdown is our 2nd entry from Ms. Jackson and arguably her biggest hit from this album.  If you listen to similar songs before and after this, you realize how much this song actually changed the game for R&B.  The production of such songs were never the same and seemed to follow production path of this track.  And also, my wife and I just love the tune.  At #9 it’s That’s The Way Love Goes by Janet Jackson.

Top 1993 Songs – #10 – Another Night

We begin the top 10 of the best songs released in 1993 with (as indicated in my other countdown) a song I had to discover again in my searches before finishing up this list.  I recall it being a big club hit growing up, and you still hear it play at sporting events too, enough to where it had to make its way in this countdown.  And it stops at #10, it’s Another Night by Real McCoy.

Top 1993 Songs – #11 – Mr. Jones

We reach the halfway point with another potentially controversial entry.  Still, I would argue that this song continues to get a lot of airplay, and the lyrical content fits what a lot of us aspiring musicians and rock stars have gone through and what we all ultimately (if not secretly) want.  It’s also the band’s biggest song, and wraps up the bottom half of the 1993 countdown at #11.  It’s Mr. Jones by Counting Crows.

Top 1993 Songs – #12 – Everybody Hurts

Lots of songs tackle tough subjects, some verbose, others subtly.  This next band to enter the countdown never shied away from tough subject matter.  While some of their songs have been difficult to decipher, this one song issued a simple phrase, and it helped many people get through their tough times and problems, so much so that it’s become one of their classics.  Coming in at #12 is Everybody Hurts by REM.

Top 1993 Songs – #13 – Whoomp! There It Is

And now, the controversy begins.  The question I had was should it or shouldn’t it?  I know people are going to hate that this track is here, and yet, how many times is this song still played or heard, not to mention their cameo on a Geiko commercial that my kids loved (Scoop?!)?  And the phrase itself is still popular and used to this day.  Given all that, it deserves a spot, here at #13.  It’s Whoomp! There It Is by Tag Team.

Top 1993 Songs – #14 – I Have Nothing

Of course, everyone knows the one huge song that came off this soundtrack. Unfortunately, we do not consider covers in this countdown, so that song (and another that was an almost equal smash) cannot be included in this list. However, this original track is just as good as those other tracks, and it’s another one that transforms my wife whenever she hears it.  This track shows this artist at her very best. Clocking in at #14 is I Have Nothing by Whitney Houston