Well, it has been a while since I last wrote here, I know. Since my move to Philadelphia, I have honestly been out of the game so to speak. While I have continued to write music and even finished a new tune for my old band Bumpin’ the Mango, I honestly found myself in unique position to make a comeback late last year. However, that was when I lost my job, and since I started a new job this year, I have pretty much had the muse thrown out of me. As much as I have tried to get musically motivated again, it hasn’t worked out like I had planned this year. A couple months into the new year, I needed to find a way back into music. Going out to see live music has helped, but I still needed that little push to make music enjoyable again the way I remembered it.
So I started trying to think of ways to influence me back into a musical mindset. Then out of sheer luck, I saw a post indicating that Nine Inch Nails’ Head Like a Hole turned 30 years old this year. Then it hit me! One night, my wife and I had an evening where we started rehashing on old tunes that were both 30 and 40 years old, and sure enough that inner joy of music I remembered came back with a vengeance. SO, I came up with a new scheme that I will be debuting this Monday.
My birthday is on April 20th, so starting April 1st I will start an annual countdown of two separate, parallel lists – my personal top 20 songs that turned 30 years-old and that turned 40 years-old. These are NOT songs that were huge in 1989 or 1979 and were released the year before or before that. In order to make these lists, the song had to be released (born) in the list year, and had to have some sort of impact on my life. So what technically have been the #1 song of the year per Billboard may not be my #1 song of the year.
I hope that not only this can engage some good music conversation, but it will in turn get me into a better musical mindset for the rest of the year. Maybe we can make it a new yearly tradition if it does its job. So, stay tuned for the first two songs to be released!